30 Day Writing & Image Challenge, Expat Life, Food & Drink, Parenting & Motherhood, Travel & Outings

Day 9: Connecticut Gems

Connecticut is one of those states that when you tell people about it they look at you blankly because they've never heard of it and have no idea where it is. They know New York state, for obvious reasons, and they've often heard of Massachusetts because they know Boston, but Connecticut is usually the forgotten… Continue reading Day 9: Connecticut Gems

30 Day Writing & Image Challenge, Expat Life, Food & Drink, Parenting & Motherhood

Day 7: The Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

The pine candle is lit; the fairy lights are sparkling; the snow globe is snowing; It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! After feeling the Thanksgiving cheer of delicious food, Santa themed films and being curled up in our cosy home while temperatures plummeted, we decided it was the perfect time to dust off… Continue reading Day 7: The Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

30 Day Writing & Image Challenge, Parenting & Motherhood, Psychology & Musings

Day 6: Mothering Tips From My Hairdresser

Being a mother is hard. There, I said it. There are days when I feel so much love for my son that I think my heart might spontaneously combust. Then there are days when I want to walk out of the house, get a cup of coffee and pretend it’s just me again. No child,… Continue reading Day 6: Mothering Tips From My Hairdresser

30 Day Writing & Image Challenge, Expat Life, Food & Drink

Day 4: Turkey Day

What else could today's post be about but Thanksgiving; our new adopted holiday. This is our fourth year celebrating. The first two years we weren't quite sure what to do with ourselves; everything was closed, we had no family here to celebrate with, all of our UK family and friends were at work and apart… Continue reading Day 4: Turkey Day

30 Day Writing & Image Challenge, Expat Life, Food & Drink, Parenting & Motherhood

Day 3: “She likes to cook a bit”

Parenting is work One thing I didn't bargain for on becoming a mother is that parenting is relentless. Rewarding, but relentless all the same; babies can do little for themselves. They can't use the toilet, they can't put clothes on (they can, incidentally, take clothes off, but this is usually less than useful) and they struggle… Continue reading Day 3: “She likes to cook a bit”

30 Day Writing & Image Challenge, Parenting & Motherhood

Day 1: Apparently, “82% of young men wear odd socks at least once a week.”

I believe my son is training for this goal. To help him achieve his feat, he likes to practice daily the art of removing and eating his socks, to ensure he is mismatching at all times. Removing socks After my third hot flash of the day, as my slippery toddler squirms out of my grip… Continue reading Day 1: Apparently, “82% of young men wear odd socks at least once a week.”

Psychology & Musings, Psychology & Wellbeing

The Importance of Gratitude

My husband sent me an article today; "The 14 Habits of Highly Miserable People". He often sends articles my way usually things of a psychological nature that he spots when reading the news and because of my love of all things related to the human psyche. I always read, and usually ruminate on, them for… Continue reading The Importance of Gratitude

Expat Life

The eve of our first visit back ‘home’

We've been here just shy of three months. Tomorrow we make our first trip back home, and I have mixed feelings about the trip. First off, any family or friends reading this, it's not you guys! I can't wait to see close family and friends, particularly those I used to see very regularly. There's been… Continue reading The eve of our first visit back ‘home’